LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

A dual energy radiography method using basis decomposition was developed, the process to do it is shown and it is compared against an alternate more direct method of analyzing the data using the logarithm of the original data, concluding that this second method does work but it is not better than basis decomposition.

Modelo de relatório de estágio na forma de artigo científico, tendo como base os Template da SBC.

Con el auge de los sistemas de bases de datos NoSQL los cuales implementan modelos de datos diferentes al relacional como son las bases de datos documentales o de grafos, ha surgido el concepto de Persistencia Políglota. Ésta sostiene que debido a la gran variedad y cantidad de representación de los datos, y los diversos servicios que pueden dar las aplicaciones hoy en día; es necesario el uso de más de un tipo de sistema de almacenamiento para ser capaz de cubrir de forma eficiente todas las necesidades de la aplicación que use dicho sistema. En este trabajo se busca dar una idea general de las Aplicaciones de Persistencia Políglota describiendo las posibles arquitecturas que hacen uso de las bases de datos NoSQL y su funcionamiento, se estudian algunos casos de éxito y se lleva a cabo un caso de estudio usando MongoDB y Neo4j.

Obtained from C496

A dual energy radiography method using basis decomposition was developed, the process to do it is shown and it is compared against an alternate more direct method of analyzing the data using the logarithm of the original data, concluding that this second method does work but it is not better than basis decomposition.

An attempt of achieving a Kernel optimaization using Ubuntu 16..04.1 LTS, Phoronix Test Suite and different value changes and tests for an internal Kernel variable: the runtime value.

This document talks about how we tried to do a benchmark using the aiostress test on ubuntu desktop 16.04, the things we found useful and the problems we encountered.

The swappiness parameter was modified in order to see performance improvement when compressing a file.

The accelerated rate of growth in the amount of web applications returns as a result an increase in the traffic that web servers must handle. This aggregated traffic, in addition to the demand of the clients to be served in a real time frame, leads to the requirement of a customized way to control web related resources. All processes of the web server are tied to the control that the OS scheduler has over them, and for the default settings, the scheduler is set to handle general purpose tasks instead of being optimized forweb serving purposes. To address this issue, the use of custom settings into the scheduler will allow the daemons needed to run a web page (such as Apache, PHP and a SQL DB) to be handled by the OS as efficiently as possible. The results of the test will be the comparison in performance of a web server for different settings on the Linux Scheduler.
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