LaTeX templates and examples — LuaLaTeX

Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (PASJ) Template of proceedings of annual meeting of PASJ, 2024 version Please choose "LaTeX" engine for upLaTeX processing, or choose "LuaLaTeX" engine for LuaLaTeX processing. Results are mostly the same. 2024年版の加速器学会年会プロシーディングス(TeX用テンプレートファイル)作成案内、兼PDFファイル作成サンプルが含まれています。LaTeX (upLaTeX) または LuaLaTeX でコンパイルすることが できます。 (c) 2024 Particle Accelerator Society of Japan. All Rights Reserved. Kazuro Furukawa

Template for the submission of conference papers to VDI Conferences, such as Automation. Compile with LuaLaTeX. Langersehnte LaTeX-Vorlage für VDI Konferenzen, wie die Automation. Komplieren mit LuaLaTeX aufgrund der Schriftart. Bei der Automation 2024 wurden Beiträge mit dieser Vorlage eingereicht und akzeptiert. Rückfragen gerne an mich.

Draft version 2: Smaller font Examples of: code listing, images, itemise ExamInfo in separate file

This is an example or typesetting an approximation of the Overleaf logo, using the freely available fonts TeX Gyre Adventor and academicons. We hope you like it! We created it in response to a request from an Overleaf user who wished to include the sentence This document was created in \overleaf in their project. If you'd like to use this in your projects, please feel free to, but please also bear in mind our Acceptable Use Policy; the logo shouldn't be used to imply something is 'official' or otherwise endorsed by Overleaf. If you have any questions about it please get in touch!

A LuaLaTeX document that for multiplication tables for use in classrooms. The mymult function takes as input (n) an argument and publishes the tables for n-5+1 through n.

The CTeX package ( provides a style common in Chinese typsetting. However, many CTeX-based templates uses fonts bundled with Windows, which are unavailable on Overleaf. This example shows how the CTeX package can be configured to use fonts installed on Overleaf. The default Fandol font works if you compile with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX. You may upload your own OTF/TTF fonts and use those also, but do be aware that Chinese font files are usually quite large! 应该有很多 CTeX 用户把自己的文件上载到 Overleaf 后,才发现由于没有 Windows 默认字体,文件不能编译而抓狂吧。不过这是可以改正的。在这个范例里,我们挪用了 Overleaf 伺服器上已有的字体,CTeX 文件就可以编译了。

This template introduces SciKGTeX. A LaTeX package to embed the most important contributions of a research document into the metadata of the PDF. This metadata can be used by search engines and other applications to increase the impact of your work! More info here:

This short example shows how to use fonts available on Overleaf to write Hebrew; the list of available fonts are here. For more examples on using the polyglossia and babel packages to typeset Hebrew (and other languages), have a look at this and this help page.

Poster template for the University of Vienna based on the baposter package.
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