LaTeX templates and examples — Icelandic

This LaTeX class (kennsluakademia_conf.cls) is specifically crafted for submissions to the Kennsluakademía opinberu háskólanna Conference in Iceland, a Nordic-inspired platform aimed at promoting educational development and improving teaching practices within Iceland’s public universities. The conference brings together educators to foster dialogue on teaching methods and pedagogical innovation. Features: Professional two-column layout with customizable conference information Author affiliation and ORCID support Simple integration of keywords Optimized for submissions to the Kennsluakademía Conference This class is designed to help educators create professional and well-structured extended abstracts for submission, aligning with the conference’s mission to advance conversations about education across universities.

This is a template designed to adhere to the University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands) Law School BA thesis guidelines as of April 2024.

Beinagrind af verkefnaskil fyrir Meistaraskólann

þetta er prufa

Template for students in physics at Reykjavik University.

Þetta er sniðmát fyrir námskeiðið Samæfingar í stærðfræði, STÆ402G, vor 2017.

Þetta template er hugsað fyrst og fremst fyrir lokaverkefni í tæknifræði. Hægt að nota einnig fyrir almennar skýrslugerðir. En forsíðan er skv. staðli tæknifræðinnar og sama gildir um lykilsíðuna.

Sniðmát fyrir skiladæmi í Stærðfræðigreiningu II (eða hverju sem er).

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