BU Technical Report Template
This is a template for BU-ECE Technical Report.
Depending on report content and author preference, a BU-ECE report may be
in one of the two following styles:
genuine report based on "report" style, i.e., with chapters, much like
a thesis; can be single- or double-sided,
report based on "article" style, i.e., with no chapters (only sections,
subsections, etc.), much like a journal or conference paper; can be
single- or double-sided.
Radhakrishna Sanka
Boston University PhD Dissertation Template
Adapted from the BU Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering's LaTeX template that can be found on the Mugar Library website. Prepared by Hanna Gerlovin in March 2018 based on earlier versions by Stephen Gildea, Paolo Gaudiano, Janusz Konrad, and Jonathan Polimeni.
Please make sure to check the current formatting guidelines, as they may change and this is not an official template.
Hanna Gerlovin