模版集 — University of Twente
模版项目 标记为 University of Twente
University of Twente - LaTeX Beamer Theme for Presentations
The style file beamerthemeut.sty provides a theme for LaTeX Beamer and can be used to create presentation slides in the UT corporate style (huisstijl). It requires the file beamerthemeutresources.pdf.
Both are included in this example, which can be opened in Overleaf by clicking the 'Open as Template' button above
This is an initial version of this style that will need improvements. Comments and/or suggestions are highly appreciated. For more information please see https://www.utwente.nl/ewi/sor/about/staff/goseling/utbeamer/
Dr. ir. J. Goseling
Thesis template - IEBIS - University of Twente
This is a thesis template for the section of Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems (IEBIS) at the University of Twente. It is hugely based on the Clean Thesis template of Ricardo Langner (http://cleanthesis.der-ric.de/). It is adapted slightly and some specific details, relevant content, packages, and examples are added.
Robert van Steenbergen
UT ITC PhD Thesis Template
PhD thesis template for Faculty ITC, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
Website: https://www.itc.nl
Original Author: Rolf de By
Modified By: Abhisek Maiti
Compatible with XeLaTeX 2022+ and LuaLaTeX 2022+
Fixed bugs causing incompatibility issues
Fixed unexpected warnings
Updated Logo to vector format
Rolf de By, Abhisek Maiti