LaTeX templates and examples — Linköpings Universitet

A template in Swedish for a Bachelor Thesis at the Division of Statistics and Machine Learning at Linköping University.

This is a template for project works at IDA in Linköping University. Simple and plain, but it works.

Template for writing a MSc/BSc thesis in computer science at Linköping University. It is based on the liuthesis template available at Changes here are mainly regarding the suggested thesis structure.

Template adapted to Overleaf and specifically modified to the division of Statistics and Machine Learning. The template is adapted from the LiU-template created by Clas Veibäck.

This is a template for `liuthesis`, a modern class for writing a thesis for PhD, Licenciate, Master, or Bachelor (plus some more) at Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden. The version in the gallery is submitted 20230118. The latest version can always be found on GitLab. `liuthesis` is constantly being developed, so go to ( to get the latest version. The following options are recognized by the liuthesis document class - `phd` - For doctoral dissertations - `lic` - For licentiate theses - `msc` - For Masters' theses (default) - `bachelor` - For Bachelors' theses - `hu` - For the medical sciences (experimental) - `filfak` - For the Faculty of Arts and Sciences - `lith` - For LiTH (default) - `exhibitpage` - Produce an exhibit page (spikblad) and no thesis. Use this option to produce an exhibit page only for Licentiate/PhD dissertations.

This a relatively simple yet effective Thesis/Report template suitable for LaTeX beginners. It is based of the best parts of the structures I have used for my Bachelor and Master Thesis and several reports in my engineering education at Linköping University. It is built of the standard LaTeX report class and contains my favorite packages as well as some useful user defined commands. The template default language is Swedish, but it can easily be changed. The template is fairly well commented on how to use it and the comments are in English. The file "main.tex" contains the structure of the template. All packages used and their related settings can be found in the file "setup.sty". The file "commands.sty" contains all the user defined commands that I use a lot. Here you can also add your own commands. References are handled by the biblatex package ( and the default style is set to (author, year). The file "help_LaTeX.tex" contains a quick crash course and useful code examples on cross referencing, citing references, inserting tables & figures and mathematics. I hope this template can be helpful for your future thesis and reports.

Thesis template for Linköpings universitet (LiU).

Rapportmall (på svenska) för laborationer gjorda vid STIMA, Linköpings universitet. v2.0

A report template for laboration held at the division of Statistics and Machine Learning at Linköping University.
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