LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Chicago Style History Paper which includes figures with \usepackage{wrapfig} and \begin{wrapfigure}

La solucion a un problema dado consiste en encontrar un camino desde un nodo representando el estado inicial, hasta el estado final deseado.

Formato de reportes para los proyectos de investigación científica del Tecnológico Nacional de México.

Template Projeto de Fim de Curso

We develop 3 term-based models(Naive tf, log tf, and BM25), unigram language model, and Pointwise Online AdaGrad approach to select top 100 documents of each query. We use MIN((TP+FN),100) as denominator when calculating AP. We also perform some methods in preprocessing and running stage to obtain better MAP, as well less running time of the whole program. 2 rounds of scanning are needed in our system.

Template de Nota Técnica do CBPF

O filme O Congresso Futurista foi baseado na obra O Congresso Futurológico de Stanislav Lem. O filme possue partes em live-action e outras em animação. Ele conta a história de uma atriz que recebeu uma proposta para assinar um contrato no qual ela concordava em ter sua imagem digitalizada para um com- putador. Anos depois ela retorna ao estúdio para participar de um congresso e renovar a assinatura do contrato. E neste congresso ela se depara com a atual situação cinematográfica.

Time Domain Reflectometry DIT

In this work, we investigate the STO as a detector with in-plane geometry using field modulation Spin Torque ferromagnetic resonance (FM-STFMR), during which microwave signal is injected into the device and output response is measured in terms of RMS voltage across lock-in amplifier. The microwave signal injected externally to STO, efficiently synchronizes signal at two times the frequency of free oscillation of the nanomagnet (f0). The synchronization efficiently enhances signal sensitivity at 2f0 which opens other potential for development of spintronic devices. The effect of synchronization in STO under applied input RF power follows a consistent decrease in sensitivity with increasing power. Better synchronization at 2f0 is noticed above threshold current and shows good agreement with the results of numerical simulations.
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