
Overleaf may engage the entities listed below to assist it in connection with its products and services, including to provide hosting and infrastructure services and customer and technical support and which may therefore involve the processing of personal data. Where you are an institution or organisation, and we are processing that personal data as your “processor” (as defined in the GDPR), such entities will be considered “subprocessors”.

Third Party Service Provider NameLocationFunction
Amazon Web ServicesUSHosting
Google Cloud PlatformUSHosting
Kount IncUSPayment processing
MailChimpUSService messages
MongoDB AtlasUSHosting
OpenAIUSData processing
PayPalUSPayment processing
RecurlyUSPayment processing
RedisUSApplication operations
SendGridUSService emails
SentryUSApplication operations
StripeUSPayment processing

As part of a global organisation, various Overleaf group companies may also be involved in connection with the development and delivery of its products and services, including as customer contracting entities and service providers, namely: Digital Science UK Ltd (UK), Digital Science & Research Solutions Ltd (UK), Digital Science & Research SRL (Romania), DS Digital Science GmbH (Germany), Digital Science & Research Solutions Inc (US), ThinqLab Ltd (UK) and Writefull BV (Netherlands).

Please refer to our Privacy Policy or the data processing terms* we have agreed with you, as applicable, for further information. Not all service providers will be used for every user.

* Note to organisations: if we do not already have a data processing agreement in place with you, one can be executed by following this link.

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Date: May 2024

Overleaf guides

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