
This article explains how to remove or delete an Overleaf project using the Trashed Projects folder. For help on archiving projects see How do I archive and unarchive projects?


Overleaf provides two folders to help organize your projects:

  • Archived Projects: for projects you want to keep around (archive) but wish to remove from the main list in your project dashboard.
  • Trashed Projects: for projects you intend to delete permanently, or leave, at some future date of your choice.

Quick overview of the Trashed Projects folder

  • If you plan to get rid of a project, you can put it in the Trashed Projects folder.
    • Moving a project to Trashed Projects does not delete a project or put it in a queue for automatic deletion at a later date.
    • You can store projects in Trashed Projects for as long as you like. You have to manually delete a project to permanently remove it.
  • When you decide it’s time to remove a project from your Trashed Projects folder, you can choose to
    • Leave (Overleaf icon used to show leaving a project in the Trashed Projects folder) any projects on which you are a collaborator (projects you do not own).
    • Delete (Overleaf icon used to show deleting a project in the Trashed Projects folder) (permanently) any projects that you own.
    • Restore (Overleaf icon used to show restoring a project in the Trashed Projects folder) projects to move them back to the main project list.
    • Archive (Overleaf icon used to show archiving a project in the Trashed Projects folder) any project and move it to the Archived Projects folder.
  • For any project that you own, deleting it will permanently remove it, both for you and your collaborators. Note: There is no undo!

How does trashing a project affect collaborators?

  • Putting any project in the Trashed Projects folder won’t affect collaborators on that project—it only affects where the project appears on your projects page.
  • You cannot delete projects shared with you; i.e., projects that you do not own and where you are a collaborator. You can only archive them or place them in Trashed Projects and then Leave them.
  • You can delete only those projects that you own. Deleting a project will permanently remove it—for you and any collaborators on your project. Note: There is no undo!

Moving a single project to the Trashed Projects folder

To trash a single project follow these steps which are also shown in the screengrab below:

  1. For the project you wish to trash, select the Trash icon in the Actions column.
  2. A confirmation pop-up window is displayed.
  3. Select Confirm to move the project to the Trashed Projects folder (where it stays until you choose to delete it).

Trashing an Overleaf project

Permanently deleting a project in the Trashed Projects folder

Note: There is no “undo deletion” feature: before proceeding, please be certain you wish to permanently delete your project.

To permanently delete a project follow these steps, which are also shown in the screengrab below:

  1. Select Trashed Projects to view the list of trashed projects.
  2. For the project you wish to delete, choose the Delete icon from the four options listed in the Actions column.
  3. A pop-up confirmation window is displayed.
  4. Select Confirm to permanently delete the project.

Permanently deleting a project

How to leave a shared project (one not owned by you)

Note: You cannot permanently delete shared projects not owned by you. If you move a shared project into the Trashed Projects folder you have the option to Leave that project but not to Delete it: the Delete icon is replaced by the Leave icon, as shown in the following screengrab:

Leaving a project

Moving multiple projects to the Trashed Projects folder

To trash multiple projects follow these steps, which are also shown in the screengrab below:

  1. For each project to be trashed, select the check box next to the project title.
  2. From the button menu (see screengrab below), select the Trash icon to trash your selected projects
  3. A confirmation pop-up window is displayed
  4. Select Confirm to move the selected projects to the Trashed Projects folder

Trahing multiple projects

Permanently deleting multiple projects

Note: There is no “undo deletion” feature: before proceeding, please be certain you wish to permanently delete your selected projects.

To permanently delete multiple projects follow these steps, which are also shown in the screengrab below:

  1. Select Trashed Projects to view the list of trashed projects.
  2. For each project to be deleted, select the check box next to the project title.
  3. Select the Delete button (see screengrab below) to delete your selected projects
  4. A confirmation pop-up window is displayed.
  5. Select Confirm to permanently delete the selected projects.

Deleting multiple projects

How to restore a trashed project

Follow these steps to restore projects contained in the Trashed Projects folder.

  1. Select Trashed Projects to view the list of trashed projects.
  2. For each project to be restored, select the check box next to the project title.
  3. Select the Restore button (see screengrab below) to restore the selected projects. They are now listed in the Your Projects folder, ready for further editing.

Image showing how to restore a trashed Overleaf project

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