Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Template for lab report

Hiermee kan je aan de slag in Latex. Veel succes!

Template simbólico criado para a disciplina Transmissão de Calor e Massa II: Trabalho (P2) apresentado ao prof. Dr. Gustavo dos Anjos para habilitação na disciplina de Transmissão de Calor II. O trabalho consistiu na discretização de um trocador de calor utilizando programação em Python afim se obter a distribuição de temperaturas ao longo de um trocador de calor de comprimento L sujeito a correntes paralelas e contra-corrente. #Uerj#Transcal2#EngMec

Nice-looking, fresh template for student's assignments, oriented on electrical engineering. Enjoy!



Supported Vectored Machine (SVM) is one of the most historical, but also most commonly used machine learning models in supervised learning. In this project, I built a SVM model with the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) algorithm using SAS IML procedure. Also, I simulated some linearly separable data using data step and compared the result of the SVM model with the SAS build-in Logistic Procedure. Finally, I applied the model to a famous dataset called credit.

An outline of the contents expected in your final project reports.

Chicago Style History Paper which includes figures with \usepackage{wrapfig} and \begin{wrapfigure}
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