Chicago Style History Paper which includes figures with \usepackage{wrapfig}
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% submitted 5-Feb via email
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\fancyhead[R]{Baba Sali Cult} %commenting out for now
% בנימן הגלילי
%\date 19-December-2015
\title{Baba Sali Meir Paper}
%\affiliation{Sede Boker \\ Spring (2015)}
\caption{Popular image of the Baba Sali. }
% \label{fig:databaseUserTable}
This paper seeks to examine the phenomenon of the Baba Sali cult that has developed in the development town of Netivot in Southern Israel.
Known as the Baba Sali (praying father), Rabbi Israel Abuhaṣeira was born in Tafilalt, Morocco in 1889. He made aliyah in 1950 and passed away in 1984.\autocite[21]{Yacobi2015} Here is text to test the end of the float.Here is text to test the end of the float.Here is text to test the end of the float.Here is text to test the end of the float.Here is text to test the end of the float.
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