LaTeX templates and examples — Math

50 quadratische Gleichungen werden automatisch erzeugt. So geht's: Wenn rechts die Vorschau erscheint, oben PDF anklicken. 50 quadratic equations will be created automatically. Please wait until you see the preview. Then click on PDF to save the file.

Aufgaben zum Thema Grundrechenarten werden mit LuaLaTeX automatisch erzeugt. LuaLaTex provides math problems for the four basic arithmetical operations automatically.

Muons compose the penetrating component of Cosmic Rays. At sea level, they constitute the largest part of Secondary Cosmic Rays, giving an average flux of ≈ 100 m−2s−1sr−1. The aim of our experiment is to estimate, from muon decay, the mean lifetime and the mass of invisible products. Our experimental setup includes four detectors: three of them are plastic scintillators and compose the trigger system, while the last one is a liquid scintillator which measures the particles energy. All these scintillators are read by photomultipliers. Trigger and pulse thresholds are computed by logical and temporal modules in a VME crate. The Data Acquisition System has been verified to work properly. It is composed of two fADCs modules, one I/O Register, one Motorola computer and a Farm. The liquid scintillator has been calibrated in energy using both passing muons and 60CO gamma source. Thanks to the charge-energy conversion factor we estimated electron energy spectrum. In particular we selected a sample of decay events by estimating muon mean lifetime τμ = 2.19 ± 0.34 μs; then we finally extrapolated an upper limit for invisible products mass mν < 5.99 ± 0.73 MeV/c2.

SVD-разложение и его практические приложения с исходным кодом на языке Matlab. (SVD - decomposition and its practical applications with source code in the language Matlab.


#Beamer #Template #International Language

Various geometrical shapes are described, for which the numerical value of the perimeter is the same as that of the area. Cases of one or two parameters are explored.

A Mathematical Modeling Project Template, with example LaTeX for including graphs, tables and citations.
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