LaTeX templates and examples — Wiley

Important Note: This template is no longer supported, but is provided for historical reference. This template for Wiley article submissions was developed by Overleaf for the Overleaf-Wiley pilot which ran during 2017 and 2018. It was last updated in January 2019. If you're planning to submit to a Wiley journal, please check the journal's author guidelines page for the latest information on how to prepare your submission.

(Downloaded from Wiley's Resources for Book Authors) Using the Wiley LaTeX template allows authors to focus on the content rather than the appearance of their submission. The template facilitates structuring of the manuscript, e.g. managing heading levels, and the straightforward creation of equations. If you wish to use the Wiley LaTeX template, please discuss first with your Wiley contact. Note: The template will not be used for the presentation of the final page layout.

Wiley New Journal Design version 5 (NJD-v5): As of Feb. 12, 2024, you must set the compiler as XeLaTex or XeLaTex for compatibility with all the fonts; set Tex Live version as 2022; Tex Live version 2023 won't work.

This is the official template for preparing submissions to Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, which uses the anzsauth.cls document class and anzst.bst bibliography files. Use of this document class and bibliography style will make it much easier for you to prepare your paper in a manner conforming to the journal's requirements. Please refer to the journal’s author guidelines in order to confirm your manuscript adheres to the journal’s requirements for submissions. Once your manuscript is complete, simply use the "Submit to Journal" option in the Overleaf editor to submit your files directly to the journal for processing. If you're new to LaTeX, check out our free online introduction to help you get started, or please get in touch if you have any questions.

Simply importing the template for JFR from their website as a September 19, 2015. All rights to this template should be referred to JFR directly at
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