LaTeX templates and examples — Getting Started

Scientific publication template or paper for beginners.

Ejemplo de como se puede crear Referencias bibliográficas en español usando un archivo .bib

Template gifted to the UPenn community under the intention of helping alleviate workload for the Writing Seminar Craft of Prose. Reading this, I hope you pay it forward by helping others around you and the broader community. Enjoy!

A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks. Conventionally, a modern computer consists of at least one processing element, typically a central processing unit (CPU), and some form of memory. The processing element carries out arithmetic and logical operations, and a sequencing and control unit can change the order of operations in response to stored information. Peripheral devices include input devices (keyboards, mice, joystick, etc.), output devices (monitor screens, printers, etc.), and input/output devices that perform both functions (e.g., the 2000s-era touchscreen). Peripheral devices allow information to be retrieved from an external source and they enable the result of operations to be saved and retrieved.(Demo Document )

Aula sobre Gráficos no LaTeX ministrada pelo professor Egmon Pereira a alunos do primeiro período de Eng. da Computação do Cefet-MG Unidade de Timóteo.

In this project, students create a two-dimensional shape with nonuniform density, finds its center of mass, and hang it from a mobile. The various portion of the project address the differences and relationships between computing the center of mass of a discrete set of point masses and a lamina. Included here is also a sample solution to help students formulate their own well-written solutions. Also, in the LaTeX code are a few comments to address some of the basics of LaTeX and Overleaf.

Source: Dave Richeson (, Dickinson College Version francaise par Vincent Pantaloni, Traduction, correction et adaptation à la typographie française. Une anti-seche en deux pages pour une intro rapide ou un aide mémoire des différentes fonctions. A imprimer en recto verso par exemple. Feel free to distribute this example, but please keep the referral to

El presente documento es una guía amigable de LaTeX para la redacción de protocolos de investigación con algunas sugerencias de como debe ser presentada y redactada la propuesta. Esta guía actualmente es utilizada por el departamento posgrado de ingeniería electrónica del Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia.

This is a math homework template
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