
한국정보과학회 학술대회 논문 작성 양식 latex 버전입니다. 아래를 참고하여 편집하였고, latex에 맞게 구조화 하였습니다. http://m.kiise.or.kr/conference/board/referenceview.do?CC=kcc&CS=2016&PARENT_ID=530300&&no=15 http://ids.snu.ac.kr/wiki/LaTeX_template_for_KCC https://github.com/leejaymin/Kiise-Latex-template

Beamer Poster Template For Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea

Dissertation Template of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) 광주과학기술원 졸업 논문 (영문) 템플렛입니다.

Thesis/Dissertation template for Korea University

SNU PhD dissertation template. GitHub at https://github.com/ysBach/snu-dissertation-template For the minimum structure, go to https://github.com/taehoonlee/snu-dissertation-template https://github.com/taehoonlee/snu-dissertation-template

This is an unofficial SNU thesis template that I use for my master’s degree.

A Korean version of D&D 5e LaTeX Template, originally created by rpgtex github repo: https://github.com/ShoyuVanilla/DND-5e-LaTeX-Template-Korean last updated: Apr 26, 2020 License: The MIT License (MIT)

Thesis template for Department of Computer Science, Kookmin University, Seoul

Kookmin University Computer Science Thesis
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