KMU Computer Science Thesis Template
Myungjun Son
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Kookmin University Computer Science Thesis

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Kookmin University Computer Science Thesis
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Front Matter %
\input{setup/packages.tex} % Declare packages
\input{setup/setup.tex} % Custom setup
\title{KMU thesis format}
% covers %
\input{covers/cover_outer.tex} % Text for outer cover
\input{covers/cover_inner.tex} % Text for inner cover
\input{covers/judges.tex} % Text for inner cover
% Table of Contents %
\pagenumbering{roman} % Start page numbering in Roman numerals
\tableofcontents % Add table of contents
%\thispagestyle{empty} % Suppress the page number
% preliminaries %
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listfigurename} % Add list of figures to table of contents
\listoffigures % add list of figures
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listtablename} % Add list of figures to table of contents
\listoftables % Add list of figures
\input{text/abstract_korean} % Text for Korean Abstract
\setcounter{table}{0} % Reset table counter
\setcounter{figure}{0} % Reset figure counter
% Main Text %
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Start page numbering in Arabic numerals
\input{text/chapter1.tex} % chapter 1
\input{text/chapter2.tex} % chapter 2
\input{text/chapter3.tex} % chapter 3
\input{text/chapter4_eval.tex} % eval
\input{text/chapter5_related.tex} % related
\input{text/chapter6_conclusion.tex} % conclusion
% \input{text/Appendices.tex} % additional chapters
% References Section %
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{참고 문헌} % Add references section to table of contents
\printbibliography[title={참고 문헌}]
\input{text/abstract_english.tex} % Text for acknowledgement
% \input{text/acknowledgement.tex} % Text for acknowledgement
%\bibliography{bib} % Add bibliography file
%\bibliographystyle{ieeetr} % Set bibliography style