Dissertation Template of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
광주과학기술원 졸업 논문 (영문) 템플렛입니다.
\def\putepsf#1{\centering \parbox{14cm}{\epsfxsize = 14cm \epsfbox{#1}}}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
% yoon
\newcommand\etal{\textit{et~al.\ }}
\newcommand\eg{\textit{e.g.\ }}
\newcommand\ie{\textrm{i.e.\ }}
% yoon
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\newcommand{\qed}{\nobreak \ifvmode \relax \else
\ifdim\lastskip<1.5em \hskip-\lastskip
\hskip1.5em plus0em minus0.5em \fi \nobreak
\vrule height0.75em width0.5em depth0.25em\fi}
% Department code list
% IC - Information and Communications
% IM - Information and Mechatronics
% EC - Electric Engineering and Computer Science
% MS - Materials Science and Engineering
% ME - Mechatronics
% EN - Earth Science and Environmental Engineering
% LS - Life Science
% PH - Physics and Photon Science
% CH - Chemistry
% NA - Nanobio Materials and Electronics
% MD - Biomedical Science and Engineering
% ET - Integrated Technology 에너지 융합 학제
% CT - Integrated Technology 문화기술 융합 학제
% RT - Integrated Technology 지능로봇프로그램
% Department code
%\code{{MS/}{EC}} % 학위와 소속 코드, 초록 페이지에 나타남
% Thesis title in English
% Insert \titlebreak where lines are to be separated. Do not use the LaTeX command '\\'.
%\etitle{Study on Image Segmentation and Action Recognition in Computer Vision}
\etitle{Insert your title}
%\etitle{Study on Segmentation and Recognition for an Image Understanding}
%\etitle{Genetic Programming: \titlebreak New Optimization Tools for Real-World Applications}
% Thesis title in Korean
% Insert \titlebreak where lines are to be separated. Do not use the LaTeX command '\\'.
\ktitle{한글 제목을 넣으세요}
% Advisor's name in English without a position such as 'Prof.'.
\advisor{Professor Someone}
% Advisor's name in Korean without a position such as 'Prof.'.
% Co-advisor's name in English
% In case there is no co-advisor, comment out the following line with a "%" in the front.
%\coadvisor{My Co-advisor}
% Name of the author in English
\ename{Kwangjin Yoon}
% Name of the author in Korean seperated with '{}'.
\kname{{}{}{}{}{윤}{광}{진}} % 한글 이름 7글자까지 가능, 오른쪽 끝에 맞춰서 입력
% Student ID of the author
% The year of graduation (ex. 1999)
% The date signed by the advisor. The first is the month, second the date, and third the year.
% The date signed by the referees. The first is the month, second the date, and third the year.
% Names of the referees in English
% For Master's thesis, input the names of the three referees (refereeA thru referee C) in full.
% For Ph.D thesis, input the names of the five referees (refereeA thru referee E) in full.
% For most cases, refereeA is the same as the advisor.
\refereeA{Prof. first prof.}
\refereeB{Prof. second prof.}
\refereeC{Prof. third prof.}
\refereeD{Prof. fourth prof.}
\refereeE{Prof. fifth prof.}
% This is the beginning of the thesis.
\dedication{Dedicated to my family.}
% Abstract of the thesis in English.
% Insert the abstract between \begin{eabstract} and \end{eabstract}.
% You can either write the abstract directly here or import a file using the \input command.
% Abstract by English
\begin{spacing}{2.0} % double spacing
% Abstract of the thesis in Korean.
% Insert the abstract between \begin{kabstract} and \end{kabstract}.
% You can either write the abstract directly here or import a file using the \input command.
% Abstract by Korean
\begin{spacing}{2.0} % double spacing
% Table of contents, list of tables and list of figures.
% Use the \makecontents command to automatically generate the table of content
% In case there is no table, comment out the following line.
% In case there is no figure, comment out the following line.
% In case there is no algorithm, comment out the following line.
% Input the thesis files written in LaTeX.
% The \begin{document} command is not necessary here.
% Refererence and vitae will folllow the main thesis text.
% This is the beginning of the main thesis body.
% Insert Chapter or section or subsection as many as you need.
% Chapter 1 Introduction
\begin{spacing}{2.0} % double spacing
% you start with the chapter 1
% Chapter 2
% Add more chapters if you wants
% summary
% This is the end of the main thesis body.
% Input the list of references.
% Appendix
% You can comment out if you do not need appendix
% Acknowledgements
% Insert the text between \begin{acknowledgements} and \end{acknowledgements}.
% You can either write the abstract directly here or import a file using the \input command.
% Acknowledgements by Korean
% Input the curriculum vitae.
% You may add as many lines as you need using the syntax of the \item command shown below.
%\input Vitae2.0.tex
%\input thesis-publications.tex
% Insert activity if you have.
%Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
%Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Activity
% Insert awards if you have.
% This is the end of the thesis.