
Official abstract template for the AI4X 2025 Conference, https://ai4x.cc/

Abstract template for the Workshop on Ultracold Molecules 2025, that will take place in Warsaw (Poland) on 24-27 June 2025. Detailed information on the workshop can be found at: https://www.ultracold-molecules-2025.pl

第41回ファジィシステムシンポジウム(FSS2025)のスタイルファイルです. https://soft-cr.org/fss/2025/

Paper Template to be used in SASYR symposium.

These instructions provide guidelines for preparing papers for AIAA Technical Conferences using LaTeX. AIAA is the catalyst for inspired idea exchange and solutions, a convener of the most original perspectives, and curator of essential research information. For the past 50 years, individuals and teams from around the globe have presented their latest research to their peers at AIAA conferences. To begin writing online (in your browser), simply click the Open as Template button, above. Additional guidelines for preparing your submission are included within the template itself. If you'd like to download any of the template files including the .cls file, please click "Open as template" above, then download the template “Source” zip file from the menu. For a list of AIAA forums and other events currently accepting abstracts, visit the AIAA events listing page. If you're new to Overleaf and LaTeX, check out our free introductory course for help getting started.

Template for Excel@FIT (http://excel.fit.vutbr.cz/) – BUT FIT's student conference

This Overleaf template provides files for authors submitting to the ACM Hypertext 2025 Proceedings. It is based on the ACM Hypertext 2024 Overleaf template, with upgrades to the 'acmart' files (v2.12) and fixes for compilation warnings related to postal codes and street addresses in the author information block. Submissions should be in double-column format.

Abstract template for the III Brazilian Aging Research & Technology Symposium (BARTS 2025). Link to the conference website: https://www2.ufjf.br/barts/

Modelos para a submissão de Trabalhos Completos e Resumos para o XII Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional do Rio Grande do Sul (XII ERMAC-RS), de 02 a 04 de julho de 2025, IME-UFRGS, Campus do Vale, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. (https://sites.google.com/view/ermacrs/)
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