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Pakiet smartdiagram pozwala na szybkie i łatwe tworzenie różnego rodzaju diagramów. Do poprawnego działania potrzebuje pakietu tikz, jednak nie musimy samodzielnie dodawać go do preambuły dokumentu – pakiet smartdiagram zrobi to za nas.
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This is a quick template for doing some homework. It has a heading in the upper right-hand corner. It boxes the questions and leaves the answers unboxed.
In this we examine the concept of the dimension of fractals, extending the idea of integer dimension to fractals, which we define and investigate here in. Moving on we consider the Minkowski dimension, sometimes referred to as the "box dimension", of a fractal. We then continue to define and examine another type of dimension; the Hausdorff dimension. We then investigate under what conditions these are equal finally moving on to prove Hutchinsons Theorem,
Dexter Edwards
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