Community articles — Source Code Listing

A brief description of counting sort algorithm

this is an article about the examples of checked and unchecked exception.

To design this scoreboard, with operates manual buttons that aid in these small scale tournaments of the cricket match. In order for the scoreboard to effective, it needs to be affordable, portable and versatile in terms of sport it can accommodate and how it can be controlled.

Lista de exercícios para disciplina de computação básica para física - Fortran na UFSM

Vibration control is crucially important in ensuring a smooth ride for vehicle passengers. This study sought to design a suspension system for a car such that its mode of vibration would be predominantly bouncing at lower speeds, and primarily pitching at higher speeds. Our study used analytical and numerical methods to choose appropriate springs and dampers for the front and rear suspension. After an initial miscalculation, we succeeded in arriving at appropriate shocks for the vehicle with the desired modes of vibration at the specified frequencies. We then assessed the maximum bouncing and pitching that the vehicle would experience under a specific set of conditions: travel at 40 km/hr over broken, rough terrain. Our testing showed moderate success in our suspension design. We successfully damped the force being transmitted to both the front and rear quarter car somewhat, while ensuring that the modes of vibration fell into the desired shapes at the desired frequency ranges.

Tutoriel d'initiation à python3

Exemple de rapport pour les TIPE (Travaux d'Initiative Personnelle Encadrés) pour les concours d'entrée aux écoles d'ingénieurs à partir de la session 2017. Il y a surtout des exemples sur les différentes manières de composer des équations ainsi que comment introduire des portions de code Python pour illustrer son propos. NB: le script TeXcount pourra vous être utile car il permet de compter les mots utilisés dans chaque section d'un document LaTeX. Vous en trouverez une version en ligne à l'adresse Il suffit d'y copier l'ensemble du document (via Ctrl-A/Ctrl-C puis Ctrl-V dans la fenêtre idoine) pour obtenir le récapitulatif tout en bas de la page qui s'ouvre alors. (You can also get the word count in Overleaf by clicking on "Word Count" at the top of the file list panel.)

Creating a driver to control a GPIO

FFT of various syntetic and real signals
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