LaTeX templates — Teaching Plan & Syllabus

A LaTeX syllabus template, consisting of common points such as course description, objectives and grade distribution. Created by Brian Hall, Champlain College. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and moved to Overleaf in October 2019.

Resumen de los cursos realizados como tarea para el curso de Algoritmia Avanzada

For students in Mr. Stern's math and physics electives at Stuyvesant High School.

Lesvoorbereidingsformulier voor vakdidactiek fysica binnen de Educatieve master Wetenschappen & Technologie aan de KU Leuven. Gebaseerd op Lesvoorbereidingsformulier vakdidactiek informatica KU Leuven door Jesse Hoobergs

Lesvoorbereidingsformulier voor vakdidactiek informatica binnen de Educatieve master Wetenschappen & Technologie aan de KU Leuven. Dit is de versie voor 2021 - 2022

This is a sample LaTeX syllabus for the Structuring Content Class as part of the Teaching and Communication Certificate at NC State.

I have set up a course information template, helping instructors offer students all the information they need to know prior to or at the start of a course.

This version helps clarify how to personalize the syllabus template to suit your needs.

This template is to facilitate the faculty member of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh to create the course outline according to the new formate.
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