模板 — Czech Technical University in Prague
模板 标记为 Czech Technical University in Prague
Czech Technical University Colors Beamer Template (Lab. of Structure of Biomolecules)
Template using official colors of Czech Technical University.
They are defined by new graphical manual - 2017.
Specially designed for Laboratory of Structure of Biomolecules.
Share and modify as you like. Keep the name of the author.
It is forbidden to use the template commercially./>
Author: Martin Malý.
Published: 23.9.2017.
Martin Malý
Alternative thesis template, optimized for FNSPE CTU.
Not my work (I just edited), original is from FNSPE CTU.
Updated version (18thOct2020)
Matěj Rzehulka
ctuthesis template improved (LaTeX template for theses at CTU in Prague)
This template has several improvements over the original template,
namely usage of font Technika-Bold as bold sans font.
The sources shall be compiled with lualatex.
Original repository: https://github.com/tohecz/ctuthesis
Repository with modifications:
Tomáš Hejda, Jan Šedivý