Šablona pro psaní disertační prace na ČVUT FEL
Miloš Kozák
8 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Simple dissertation template for CTU FEE¨
original location https://github.com/k13132/phdthesis
Simple dissertation template for CTU FEE¨
original location https://github.com/k13132/phdthesis
% !TeX spellcheck = en_CA
%% Automaticky generovane zkratky
%% Definice zdroju literatury
% Metadata disertacni prace
\title{Very Long Name of Disertation Thesis Dealing With Some Science}
\author{Ing. Name Surname}
\supervisor{Doc. Ing. Name Surname, Ph.D.}
Department of Telecommunication Engineering\\
Faculty of Electrical Engineering\\
Czech Technical University in Prague\\
Technická 2\\
160 00 Prague 6\\
Czech Republic}
\placeyear{Prague, March 2015}
\date{March 2015}
% Only for the demonstration
%% Uvodni stranky
%% Automaticky generované seznamy
\printglossary[title=List of Acronyms,toctitle=List of Acronyms]
%% Vlastni text disertarni prace (Cislovani arabskymi cisly, posunuti cislovani na 1)
%% Vlastni text disertacni prace
% Prilohy
%% Literatura