MLA Paper
Adheres to the MLA Style Guide for papers: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Includes an environment for creating Block Quotations
Richard Samuelson
Homework Template - Coding Theory course
This is a LaTeX homework template I used for my coding theory course, ornamented with supplementary packages, such as Tikz. (The Venn diagram is created by me as well.)
maxQ Hausarbeit
Dies ist ein Template, um schnell das Layout einer Hausarbeit festzulegen.
Matthias Kluth
Modelo TCC PucMinas
Modelo TCC - PUC Minas
Arquivo Principal
Nome: Rafael B. Costa dos Reis
Data: 2sem/2014
Rafael Reis
EPFL EDMI Annual Thesis Report
Template for the Annual PhD Thesis Report for the Doctoral School in Microsystems and Microelectronics (EDMI) of EPFL
Anurag Mangla
Wabash College Physics Template
This is a LaTeX template for writing papers for the Wabash College Physics Department Advanced Laboratory.
Martin John Madsen
Template RS
This is not a very Fancy template
Robert Samefors