
You've created three million projects and counting...

John · July 28, 2015

Last week we hit an amazing milestone -- the three millionth project was created on Overleaf!

3,000,000 projects. Wow.

When John and I kicked this all off (as writeLaTeX) just over two and half years ago, we never expected it to grow this fast. Looking at this early screenshot compared to the current editor, it's amazing how little has changed on the surface:

WriteLaTeX early screenshot

But things have certainly had to scale up on the backend! To celebrate hitting the three million projects mark, and to help give a sense of this scale, we've put together a few other stats about Overleaf we hope you'll find interesting (and maybe a little surprising too!). All stats correct as of 27th July 2015.

Projects and Pages

  • Total number of projects created: 3,030,342
  • Total number of edits (over all projects): 569,593,555
  • Total number of pages compiled: 3,068,359,898 (yes, that's 3 billion!)

If we printed off all those pages, we'd have a stack the same height as Pluto!

Overleaf Pluto

(Any excuse to include this great photo from the recent New Horizons flyby in this blog post!)

Users and Community

As you might have guessed, those projects didn't create themselves, and clearly we have the best users on the planet :) Close to two million visited the site in the last 12 months, and what's really amazing is reading the fantastic stories you share of your experiences, and the how-to guides you produce to help others, such as this guide for using Overleaf and Git by Daniel Graziotin.

Overleaf Git Sync Daniel Graziotin

We also have our two fantastic TeXperts who have been helping out with your user support questions and updating our Help and FAQ pages.

Our group of community advisors continues to grow and diversify -- these are individuals from all disciplines and backgrounds who are working with us to help improve scholarly writing and communication in their area. To find out more, check out our Advisor Hall of Fame, and please do get in touch if you're interested in joining!

Templates and Examples

  • Total number of projects published to the Overleaf gallery: 1,180
  • Total number of gallery item views: 1,553,713

Our gallery now contains a huge variety of templates, examples and articles that have been submitted by users from all over the world. One of our most popular templates is a beautiful book layout inspired by Edward Tufte, who even tweeted about it himself!

Edward Tufte Overleaf template tweet

Partners, Publishers and Institutions

  • Total number of institutions worldwide with confirmed Overleaf users: 2,498
  • Number of journal / publishing service submission links: 186

Through our partnerships within the publishing sphere, we're continually adding new journal submission links, such as this recent link to the GSA's Genetics journal, to simplify and streamline the process for submission and review of articles. Through our links with institutions such as Stanford University, Overleaf is now even more accessible than ever before!

You're also producing some epic research collaborations on Overleaf, such as this article for F1000Research submitted by Michael Crusoe with 62 co-authors!

Overleaf F1000Research 62 author paper tweet

And finally...a word from the founders

Through our investor Digital Science, we recently had the opportunity to work with a fantastic video director to produce our 'founder story' -- it was a fun day of filming condensed into just over 4 minutes worth of video! I'd love to say the best bits were left on the cutting room floor, but actually I think this is as good as we managed! Hollywood has nothing to fear :)

I hope you enjoy hearing about how we got started, and if you're ever in London and want to meet us in person please let us know, we're always keen to meet Overleaf users and hear your stories too!


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