overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Beispiel für eine Bachelorarbeit mit FH Aachen FB 8 Titelblattstyles Erstellt: Prof. Enning, 18.07.2013 Überarbeitet: Prof. Pfaff, 08.03.2018

The article template for NLA'2018 conference. It is based on the standard llncs class (Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences) and adjusted with a style file of the conference. This Overleaf template contains two main files. One is for English papers and another for Russian ones. Switch templates via Overleaf Project menu. Conference site: http://nla.icc.ru/

This template is used as a basic template for the journal Boletín de Matemáticas, of the mathematics department of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. More information can be found in the site of the journal https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/bolma

From https://egu2018.eu/PICO_how-to_guide_to_PICO.pdf Abstracted and templated by Brian Ballsun-Stanton, Macquarie University. Original template by https://github.com/snowtechblog/pico-latex-presentation by Anselm Köhler

Modelo Relatório

The unofficial University of Udine Beaer Template. This style has been developed following the "Manuale di Stile" (Style Manual) of the University of Udine.

Este modelo de projeto de pesquisa foi modificado/adaptado (por mim, Keli F. Seidel) a partir de um modelo pré-existente "Template Projeto de pesquisa FACEPE-PIBIC"

Template para a escrita de dissertação de MSI ou relatório de projeto de EI da ESTiG.

Criado a partir da classe abntex2, desenvolvida pelo Centro de Pesquisa em Arquitetura da Informação (CPAI)
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