ICMC: Modelo de Trabalho Acadêmico (tese de doutorado, dissertação de
mestrado e trabalhos monográficos em geral) em conformidade com
ABNT NBR 14724:2011: Informação e documentação - Trabalhos acadêmicos -
Link original: https://github.com/lordantonelli/thesis-model-icmc
This paper describes the use of the jsfds LaTeX document class and is prepared as a sample to illustrate the use of this class written for the Journal of the French Statistical Society. This an adaptation of the public document class imsart.
Cette courte note décrit la classe LaTeX jsfds et illustre son usage en se présentant sous la forme d'un article du Journal de la Société Française de Statistique. Cette classe est une adaptation de la classe publique \texttt{imsart}.
The template aims at helping students working in the NuSTRAP group (University of Athens, Greece) prepare their thesis (PhD, MSc, BSc). It uses XeLaTeX and Babel packages to facilitate the use of Greek language.
This is a template for TUT theses, based on the 2017 updates to the 2014 Thesis Writing Guide and the Word template made for it.
The example document in this template is in the form of a master’s thesis in English, see also the one in the form of a bachelor’s thesis in Finnish. Both templates use the same document class. The comments in the example document show how to change options such as figure numbering and referencing style.
Timo Kalliomäki
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