UiS Master Thesis Template
This thesis template is meant to follow the University of Stavanger's guidelines for graphical profile and visual communications. The template is inspired by the official PhD thesis cover.
You have the possibility to choose between a number of different color combinations and designs for the cover.
Originally created by Hein Meling and is available from https://github.com/uis-no/uis-thesis.
More information about the template can be found on the github page as well.
Le template français pour les ouvrages de l'Encyclopédie SCIENCES.
Pour plus d'information sur les consignes aux auteurs, consultez notre site : https://www.istegroup.com/fr/auteurs/
Unofficial Latex template for research-oriented Master theses in Information Sciences at the Computer Science Department - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Computer Science Department - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
This template has several improvements over the original template,
namely usage of font Technika-Bold as bold sans font.
The sources shall be compiled with lualatex.
Original repository: https://github.com/tohecz/ctuthesis
Repository with modifications: