A template is written in LaTeX for Computer Science in UPC (BarcelonaTech). Note that this is not an official UPC template by the CS department. On GitHub: https://github.com/sabirdvd/LaTeX-template-for-UPC-thesis-
Plantilla para la elaboración de prácticas, reportes o tareas con motivos de la Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM. ¡Siéntete libre de modificarla a tus necesidades!
Hello Everyone I am Mirza Akbar Ali, BS Physics graduate from COMSATS University Islamabad. I have modified this Beamer template to meet the requirements for my thesis submission. I am sharing this template to help my fellows and others who want to use an amazingly easy and professional LaTeX template for their thesis. All COMSATS University Islamabad and Sub campus students are encouraged to use LaTeX rather than other software. Regards and Best Wishes for your thesis.
Mirza Akbar Ali