The style of bibliography exemplified here is the "plain",
normally used in science theses. This is shown
by the entry {plain} below. Substitute the
appropriate bibliography style. See also the
PDF file "InformationOnBibliographyStyles" in this
directory for more choices.
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This is the TeX template for articles submitted to Pisika.
The authblk package is contained in the preprint bundle.
Other packages needed are: amsmath, bm, booktabs, caption, dcolumn, fancyhdr, geometry, graphicx, hyperref, latexsym, natbib
The pisikabst.bst file is modified from the LPPL distributed apsrev.bst by PW Daly.
A Latex template for ASEE conference proceedings. This template is not affiliated with the American Society for Engineering Education and comes with no warranty or guarantee.
ASEE provides a list of formatting requirements on its website.