Plantilla para la confección de Informes de Laboratorio en la Universidad Autónoma de Chile
\setmarginsrb{3 cm}{2.5 cm}{2.5 cm}{2.5 cm} {1 cm}{1.5 cm}{1 cm}{1.5 cm}
\title{Preparación de Disoluciones} % Title
\author{Autor 1 \\ Autor 2 \\ Autor 3} % Author
\date{\today} % Date
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{Lista de Tablas}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{Lista de Figuras}
\renewcommand{\figurename}{Figura }
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\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{logo.png}\\[1.0 cm]
\textsc{\LARGE Universidad Autónoma de Chile}\\[2.0 cm]
\textsc{\Large BCM I}\\[0.5 cm]
\textsc{\large Bases Cientificas de la Medicina I}\\[0.5 cm]
\rule{\linewidth}{0.2 mm} \\[0.4 cm]
{ \huge \bfseries \thetitle}\\
\rule{\linewidth}{0.2 mm} \\[1.5 cm]
\begin{flushleft} \large
\begin{flushleft} \large
Dr. Desmond MacLeod Carey \\
Dr. Carlos Puebla \\
{\large \thedate}
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\tableofcontents %GENERA TABLA DE CONTENIDOS (Remover %)
%\pagebreak %PARA HACER UN SALTO DE PAGINA (Remover %)
\listoftables %GENERA LISTA DE TABLAS (Remover %)
%\pagebreak %PARA HACER UN SALTO DE PAGINA (Remover %)
\listoffigures %GENERA LISTA DE FIGURAS (Remover %)
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%%%%%%%%%%%%% INICIO TEXTO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
LAS spaipas son bakanes y no se hacer :(
A Table of Contents and a bibliography have also been implemented. To add entries to your bibliography, simply edit \texttt{biblist.bib} in the root folder and then use the \texttt{\textbackslash cite\{\ldots\}} command in \texttt{main.tex} \cite{bibtex}. The Table of Contents will be updated automatically.
I hope that you find this template both visually appealing and useful. \\
\hspace{1 cm}--- Linus
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