{#1}\small\normalsize} \spacingset{1}
\title{\bf Title}
\author{Author 1\thanks{
The authors gratefully acknowledge}\hspace{.2cm}\\
Department of YYY, University of XXX\\
and \\
Author 2 \\
Department of ZZZ, University of WWW}
} \fi
{\LARGE\bf Title}
} \fi
{\it Keywords:} 7 or fewer keywords
Body of paper.
\item[Title:] Brief description. (file type)
\item[R-package for MYNEW routine:] R-package ÒMYNEWÓ containing code to perform the diagnostic methods described in the article. The package also contains all datasets used as examples in the article. (GNU zipped tar file)
\item[HIV data set:] Data set used in the illustration of MYNEW method in Section~ 3.2. (.txt file)
Azzalini, A. (2005).
\newblock The skew-normal distribution and related multivariate families.
\newblock \emph{Scandinavian Journal of Statistics} \textbf{32}, 159--188.