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Joaquim Ignatious Monteiro
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
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\author[Joaquim Ignatious Monteiro]{Joaquim Ignatious Monteiro \\ Assistant Professor \\ Department of ECE}
\title{\textbf{IoT Technologies}}
\institute{\normalsize{College of Engineering Trivandrum}}
%\subject{KTU Sponsored FDP \\ on \\ Power System Security \& Internet of Things : A Future Energy Scenario}
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\centering{\textbf{KTU Sponsored FDP \\ on \\ Power System Security \& Internet of Things \\ A Future Energy Scenario}}\\
\centering{\texttt{College of Engineering Trivandrum}}
\frametitle{Internet of Things}
How do we define Internet of Things?
\item A network of items — each embedded with sensors — which are connected to the Internet. \footfullcite{minerva2015towards}
\item The interconnection via the internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. \footfullcite{lexico}
\begin{frame}{Internet of Things - Milestones}
\item 1969 - ARPANET
\item 1980's - Commercial Internet services
\item 1993 - Global Positioning System
\item 2017 - IPv6 Standard
IPv6 - 128 bit addresses as opposed to 32 bit addresses in IPv4 \\
$2^{128} = 3.4 * 10^{38}$ addresses \\
\begin{frame}{The first's in IoT }
\item 1982 - World’s first IoT device - Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science,USA
\item Toaster (1990), Webcam/Coffee pot(1993).........
\item LG Internet Digital DIOS (2000) - First Internet Refrigerator
\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{"images/cmu internet-coke-machine"}
\\ CMU SCS connected coke machine \label{fig:cmu-internet-coke-machine}
\footfullcite{cmu}, \footfullcite{cmu2}, \footfullcite{lg}
\begin{frame}{Comparison of RF technologies}
\includegraphics[width=0.98\textwidth]{"images/iot rf"}
\label{fig:iot rf}