Restaruant Menu
Ingemar Grahn
6 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
An example Menu for a Restaurant
Based on an menu on tex.sx with some modifications.

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An example Menu for a Restaurant
Based on an menu on tex.sx with some modifications.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
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\newcommand\MyRestaurant{Maradonas \\ Jokkmokk}
\begin{tikzpicture} [remember picture, overlay] % center the box in the page
\node at (current page.center){%
\node[text width=13cm] at (thecenter){%
% Disch with explanations
\Entry{ Planksteak, \og Souvas\fg
\Expl{Potatismos, lingonsylt, Roekt renkoett}} {69 €}\\
\Entry{ Renskav, betteraves multicolores
\Expl{Potatismos, Lingonsylt, Renkoatt}} {71 €}\\
\Entry{ Quenelles de brochet \og Andr\'e Terrail\fg
\Expl{Potatismos, Lingonsylt, Renkoatt}} {49 €}\\
\Entry{ Palette de choux aux grains de caviar
\Expl{Potatismos, Lingonsylt, Renkoatt}} {135 €}\\
\Entry{ Caviar \og Imp\'erial de Sologne\fg, blinis et condiments
\Expl{Potatismos, Lingonsylt, Renkoatt}} {210 €}\\
% Disch witout explanatons
\Entry{ Tron\c on de sole \og des Tournelles\fg } {81 €}\\
\Entry{ Saint-Jacques dor\'ees, poireaux au jus de coques} {82 €}\\
\Entry{ Queue de lotte piqu\'ee \`a la truffe et l\'egumes racines} {84 €}\\
\Entry{ Caneton Marco Polo sabl\'e au poivre de Sichuan} {140 €}\\
\Entry{ Caneton \og Tour d'Argent\fg, pommes souffl\'ees} {140 €}\\
\Entry{ Caneton \`a l'orange, carotte aux agrumes et pain d'\'epices}{140 €}\\
\Entry{ Variation chocolat orange, cr\'emeux pain d'\'epices} {24 €}\\
\Entry{ Biscuit marmelade citron, glace thym citron} {24 €}\\
\Entry{ Duo poire r\'eglisse, sorbet poire} {24 €}\\
% Going to page 2
\begin{tikzpicture} [remember picture, overlay] % center the box in the page
\node at (current page.center){%
\node[text width=13cm] at (thecenter){%
\Entry{ Planksteak, potatismos \og Renkoett\fg} {69 €}\\
\Entry{ Saint-Jacques en tartare, betteraves multicolores} {71 €}\\
\Entry{ Quenelles de brochet \og Andr\'e Terrail\fg} {49 €}\\
\Entry{ Palette de choux aux grains de caviar} {135 €}\\
\Entry{ Caviar \og Imp\'erial de Sologne\fg, blinis et condiments} {210 €}\\
\Entry{ Tron\c on de sole \og des Tournelles\fg } {81 €}\\
\Entry{ Saint-Jacques dor\'ees, poireaux au jus de coques} {82 €}\\
\Entry{ Queue de lotte piqu\'ee \`a la truffe et l\'egumes racines} {84 €}\\
\Entry{ Caneton Marco Polo sabl\'e au poivre de Sichuan} {140 €}\\
\Entry{ Caneton \og Tour d'Argent\fg, pommes souffl\'ees} {140 €}\\
\Entry{ Caneton \`a l'orange, carotte aux agrumes et pain d'\'epices}{140 €}\\
\Entry{ Variation chocolat orange, cr\'emeux pain d'\'epices} {24 €}\\
\Entry{ Biscuit marmelade citron, glace thym citron} {24 €}\\
\Entry{ Duo poire r\'eglisse, sorbet poire} {24 €}\\