This is the style guide for every student at the Global Health Engineering group of ETH Zurich willing to write his manuscript in LaTeX. The template is suitable for Bachelor Thesis, Semester Project, and Master Thesis.
In this drawing, we have depicted a simple pendulum in equilibrium. The pendulum consists of a vertical string with a ball attached to its end. The gravitational force acting on the ball is represented by an arrow labeled as "Weight." Additionally, an angle, labeled as "θ," is shown next to the pendulum to indicate the deviation angle from the vertical.
Modelo de TCC em inglês para a Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU).
Esse template foi criado a partir do seguinte modelo.
Agradecimentos ao Prof. Marcelo R. Petry pelo modelo original.
A CV template that scales well for different number of work experiences, education levels, etc. you might want to have in your resume. This template aims to have a reasonably modern look while still being easily modifiable and extendable, without breaking the layout.
Jarkko Rahikainen
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