南京师范大学-beamer-template. 本模板是从Verona模板中魔改得到的南师人专属的beamer. 对模板不满意的地方可自行Google, 进行更改. 祝大家学习进步! 希望往后的日子严谨朴实, 唯真理是从; 祝福母校桃李芬芳, 清誉满寰中!
Carpenter Cheung
Nier Automata Inspired Template
LaTeX template based on the game Nier: Automata. Intended to be used to write a book or to be your personal study book.
Henrique Tsuyoshi Yara
Template Artigo - IFPI
Template para trabalhos de Conclusão na Modalidade Artigo do Instituto Federal do Piauí (IFPI).
Prof. Tulio Vidal
cs-techrep MWE
The template demonstrates a minimal working example of a technical report in computer science and software engineering. It applies the cs-techrep LaTeX class (https://ctan.org/pkg/cs-techrep).
Christoph P. Neumann
La Trobe Template Project
A simple and minimalistic template for La Trobe University assignments. Fill in the custom details in main.tex, then create and include pages.
Kalon Shannon-Innes