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Masters/Doctoral Thesis
LaTeX Template
Version 2.5 (27/8/17)
This template was downloaded from:
Version 2.x major modifications by:
Vel (vel@latextemplates.com)
This template is based on a template by:
Steve Gunn
Sunil Patel
Template license:
This a relatively simple yet effective Thesis/Report template suitable for LaTeX beginners. It is based of the best parts of the structures I have used for my Bachelor and Master Thesis and several reports in my engineering education at Linköping University. It is built of the standard LaTeX report class and contains my favorite packages as well as some useful user defined commands. The template default language is Swedish, but it can easily be changed. The template is fairly well commented on how to use it and the comments are in English.
The file "main.tex" contains the structure of the template. All packages used and their related settings can be found in the file "setup.sty". The file "commands.sty" contains all the user defined commands that I use a lot. Here you can also add your own commands.
References are handled by the biblatex package (https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex) and the default style is set to (author, year). The file "help_LaTeX.tex" contains a quick crash course and useful code examples on cross referencing, citing references, inserting tables & figures and mathematics.
I hope this template can be helpful for your future thesis and reports.
Original version by Adam Summerville and Mark Nelson, from 2016. I just made a small edit so that the infoblurb on the first page matches that of the word template for Digra 2018
Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari
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