An example template of how to create a dissertation style for UWE Bristol (BSc Mathematics/Mathematics and Statistics programme) with margins compatible with MS Word templates (so correct for page limit rules).
This also allows you to separate out References and Bibliography entries.
Thesis template for Pacific University Capstone Thesis
based on the template for Cambridge University
uses PhDThesisPSnPDF Class
MIT License (c) 2015 Krishna Kumar
Ce document regroupe les codes TIKZ des figures utilisées pour le cours "Champ magnétique créé par des courants électriques" situé à la page
Print only your Bibliography in the Chicago Author-Date format. Simply
change the line
to the name of your BibTeX or BibLaTeX file and
upload your .bib file to the project.
Ce document regroupe les codes TIKZ des figures utilisées pour le cours "Interactions magnétiques" situé à la page magnétique.php
This is a modified version of the Tufte Book example, but with the title page and the contents page resembling Tufte's VDQI book, using Kevin Godby's code from this thread.
Example by The Tufte-LaTeX Developers with modifications
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