Cesar Laura's CV
My first CV. Created using the AltaCV template.
Cesar Adolfo Laura Mamani
Jatin Varlyani's Résumé
Resume of a Software Engineer and Full Stack Web Developer. Created with the AltaCV template.
Jatin Varlyani
Raj's Resume
Yash Raj's resume. Created with the AltaCV template.
Yash Raj
12th ICCP Proceedings Template
This is a LaTeX template available for use in submitting manuscripts to the 12th ICCP hosted in 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Armen Amirkhanian
Bachelor's Thesis Template
Template for bachelor's thesis projects at the University of Groningen. Made for the Artificial Intelligence programme at the Bernoulli Institute.
Last update: 2019-07-30
Malvin Gattinger