Latex template for formatting paper submissions to the Conference on Truth and Trust Online 2019 (4-5 October, London).
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The future of alternative energy storage for vehicles is
bright because the use of hydrogen in the economy provides
various solutions to environmental situations. Hydrogen is
as flexible as electricity in that it can be produced in both
renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. However,
the literature written focuses on the conditions that are
needed to be accounted for when it comes to switching to
hydrogen as an alternative energy storage using statistical
analysis. By taking an economic and environmental investigation, hydrogen has the best air pollution emissions in
comparison to conventional, hybrid and electric vehicles. It
is also found that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are simpler in
design which accounts for its weight that is much lighter
than most vehicles. Ergo, hydrogen is the preferred fuel for
fuel cell vehicles because of efficiency that can increase the
potential for a sustainable climate.