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博客Posts tagged “press”

  • Mary Anne · July 8, 2016

    New partnership between ASCE and Overleaf

    ASCE and Overleaf logos

    London – July 8, 2016: Overleaf and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) announce a new partnership to provide ASCE authors with a new, enhanced authoring template and simplified submission process. Through this partnership, authors submitting to all 35 of the ASCE journals will have access to the ASCE authoring template within Overleaf - the award winning collaborative cloud-based writing and reviewing tool. Once finished writing, authors will be able to easily submit to any ASCE journal through a simplified submission link within the authoring template.

    The new ASCE LaTeX Template in Overleaf

  • Mary Anne · July 6, 2016

    The Royal Society and Overleaf announce partnership

    The Royal Society and Overleaf logos

    London – July 6, 2016: Overleaf is pleased to announce a new partnership with The Royal Society. Through this partnership, authors submitting to Proceedings of the Royal Society A will have access to the award-winning Overleaf collaborative cloud-based writing and reviewing tool with 1-click submission into the Proceedings A ScholarOne submission system.

    The Royal Society's Proceedings A Template in Overleaf

  • Mary Anne · May 26, 2016

    New partnership between Overleaf and Oxford University Press

    OUP Overleaf logos

    London – May 26: Overleaf is excited to announce a new partnership with Oxford University Press (OUP). Through this partnership, authors submitting to OUP’s Biostatistics journal will have access to the award winning Overleaf collaborative cloud-based writing and reviewing tool with 1-click submission into the Biostatistics’ ScholarOne submission system.

  • Mary Anne · May 16, 2016

    New partnership between Overleaf and the Royal Society of Chemistry

    RSC Overleaf logos

    London – May 16: Overleaf is excited to announce a new partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry. Through this partnership, authors submitting to their Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) journal will have access to the award-winning Overleaf collaborative cloud-based writing and reviewing tool with 1-click submission into the PCCP ScholarOne submission system.

  • Mary Anne · April 18, 2016

    Awesomesauce! Overleaf won!!

    Red Herring Top 100 Europe Award Winner Badge

    Great news! Overleaf has been chosen as a 2016 Red Herring Top 100 Europe Winner! We’re thrilled with the honor – it’s a prestigious award honoring the year’s most promising private technology ventures from the European business region.


Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.