博客Posts tagged “latex”
- Shelly · March 14, 2017
Reflections on Overleaf at JMM17
- John · February 28, 2017
Four years of collaboration with the LaTeX Community forums and sites
Just over four years ago we began one of our first collaborations – working with Stefan Kottwitz of the LaTeX Community forums and sites such as TeXample.net and pgfplots.net to provide a direct way for users of those sites to open up code examples directly in Overleaf (then called WriteLaTeX).
To get an idea of how it works, try clicking on the image below. It will open up in Overleaf for immediate editing online, just as if you'd clicked on the "Open in Overleaf" link on the example itself.
- Mary Anne · February 27, 2017
LaTeX templates for two journals of the International Glaciological Society
We’re excited to let you know that the two journals of the International Glaciological Society, Journal of Glaciology and Annals of Glaciology, are beginning a partnership with Overleaf. If you’re thinking of submitting to either of the journals, Overleaf is now a freely available option for writing your article.
- February 17, 2017
New Feature: Code-folding of sections and subsections
- John · February 14, 2017
600,000 users on Overleaf make over 2 billion edits!
We’re excited to announce that Overleaf now has over 600,000 registered users! And not only that… together you've made over 2 billion edits across all the projects you've worked on over the past 4 years. That's simply amazing!
For those of you wondering what 2 billion edits looks like, it's equivalent to around 11.5 billion pages compiled – so over four years we've compiled (on average) 100 pages each second! Or, to put it another way, if you printed off all of those pages and stacked them up, you'd have a pile 9,000km high – 1000 times the height of Mount Everest!
We've come a long way since it was just John Lees-Miller and I at the start of it all back in 2013... cue artistic shot of two explorers looking upwards on Mt. Everest – alas no, this isn't John and I :)
Photo by Lloyd Smith, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link to original.
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