
August & September 2018—New Institutional Partnerships

Mary Anne · September 12, 2018

We’re excited to announce the following new institutional partnerships!

The University of Queensland

The University of Queensland and Overleaf have partnered to provide Overleaf Pro+ accounts to all The University of Queensland students, faculty and staff.

Sign up for your Overleaf Pro+ account with your The University of Queensland email address, at the Queensland Institutional Portal: https://www.overleaf.com/edu/uq.

Jake Parker, PhD Candidate in synthetic biology, bioinformatics, and computational biology, Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland says:

“The University of Queensland's upgrade to Overleaf Pro+ has solved an immediate problem of mine – that I was about to run out of storage space – and solved another ahead of time, as I plan to begin work on sensitive documents. These additional features will allow me to continue using Overleaf as I would like, as well as extend its usefulness in the context of my lab.”

Lehigh University

Lehigh University and Overleaf have partnered to provide Overleaf Pro+ accounts to all Lehigh University students, faculty and staff.

Sign up for your Overleaf Pro+ account with your Lehigh University email address, at the Lehigh University Institutional Portal: https://www.overleaf.com/edu/lehigh.

Phil Hewitt, Engineering Librarian at Lehigh University shared with us:

“The initial response to our Overleaf subscription has been very positive. Students and faculty are excited to use the premium features of Overleaf to more productively write, and collaborate on, LaTeX publications.”

University of Waterloo

The University of Waterloo and Overleaf have partnered to provide Overleaf Pro+ accounts to all University of Waterloo graduate students, faculty and staff.

Sign up for your Overleaf Pro+ account with your University of Waterloo email address, at the University of Waterloo Overleaf Institutional Portal: https://www.overleaf.com/edu/uwaterloo.

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University and Overleaf have partnered to provide Overleaf Pro+ accounts to all Carnegie Mellon University students, faculty and staff.

Sign up for your Overleaf Pro+ account with your Carnegie Mellon University email address, at the Carnegie Mellon Overleaf Institutional Portal: https://www.overleaf.com/edu/cmu


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