
Thanks for making #FuturePub 7 an amazing night!

John · May 13, 2016

Mimi from Sparrho speaking at Overleaf's FuturePub 7 event May 10th 2016

just want to say a huge thanks to everyone who attended #FuturePub 7 for making it such a great event -- there were a lot of on point questions and discussion, and it was great to see such a large group make it to the pub afterwards :)

The presentations were a core part of the evening, and so thanks of course go to our speakers. They each gave a fantastic and engaging talk, and kept the audience interested and amused throughout! Their slides are available at the links below if you'd like a recap:

  1. Reimagining scientific news: How user research led to an entire product redesign, by Sybil Wong and Mimi Keshani

  2. Peercog: Peer-to-peer recognition from author to reviewer, by Laura Harvey

  3. Peer to Peer Science, by James Littlejohn

  4. Automating peer review for research, by Daniel Shanahan

  5. Peerwith - connecting experts, by Joris van Rossum

  6. Publishing Research Ideas and Outcomes, by Ross Mounce
  7. Citizen Science, Open Science & scientific publication, by Muki Haklay


Thanks also go to Laura and George from Digital Science for their excellent hosting, organization and live-streaming of the event. They've put together a Storify of the tweets from the event which you can find here:
(for a brief moment we were trending top on Twitter!)
Tim and Marc from Overleaf were snapping away throughout the event, and you can find their photos at:
(if you also took any, please upload them to the album too)
Feel free to use these photos in any follow up blogging you do about the event (and do let us know if you write one so we can share it!). Muki has been super-efficient and already done one here: https://povesham.wordpress.com/2016/05/11/futurepub-citizen-science-open-science-scientific-publications/
Thanks again, and see you at the next #FuturePub in August!
Ross from RIO Journal speaking at Overleaf's FuturePub 7 on May 10th 2016

Pizza and networking at Overleaf's FuturePub 7 event on May 10th 2016

Muki talking about Citizen Science at Overleaf's FuturePub 7 event on May 10th 2016


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