Yuan's Resume Template
Haofeng Yuan
5 个月前
Other (as stated in the work)
An Elegant English Resume Template https://github.com/xyz-yuanhf/yuan-resume
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
An Elegant English Resume Template https://github.com/xyz-yuanhf/yuan-resume
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Resum in LaTeX (XeLaTeX)
% Author: HF Yuan
% Project: https://github.com/xyz-yuanhf/yuan-resume
% Base on: https://github.com/mattyHerzig/mattys_resume
% http://www.jianxu.net/en/
% License: MIT
\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{article}
\usepackage{myresume} % Style package
% -------------------- START --------------------
% -------------------- HEADING --------------------
\item {\Calluna (+00) 111-2222-3333} % Phone number
\item {\Calluna yuanhf@example.com} % E-mail address
\item {\Calluna http://www.example.com} % Home page
\begin{flushleft} % Rplace here with your name (and identity if required)
{\Calluna \fontsize{30pt}{30pt}\selectfont \textsc{Xiao Yuan}} \quad {\Calluna \fontsize{14.5pt}{14.5pt}\selectfont \textsc{Ph.D.}}
% -------------------- EDUCATION --------------------
{Department of Automation, Tsinghua University}{Beijing, China}
{Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineering}{2022 - 2028 \footnotesize{\textit{(expected)}}}
\myItem{Advisor: Prof. Xiao Yuan}
\myItem{Research area: Operations Research and Machine Learning}
{Department of Precision Instrument, Tsinghua University}{Beijing, China}
{B.E. in Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument}{2018 - 2022}
\myItem{GPA: 0.00/4.00, Rank: 64/64.}
% -------------------- PUBLICATIONS --------------------
\item \textbf{Xiao Yuan}, Hua Li. The Future Urban Transportation Systems: Innovations and Challenges. \textit{Journal of Operations Research and Optimization}, 2024.
\item Hua Li, \textbf{Xiao Yuan}, John Doe. Optimizing Logistics and Supply Chain Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques. \textit{International Conference on Operations Research and Machine Learning}, 2023.
\item John Doe, \textbf{Xiao Yuan}, Hua Li. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Transforming Diagnostics and Treatment. \textit{International Conference on HealthTech Innovations}, 2023.
% -------------------- PROJECTS --------------------
{\textbf{Advanced Optimization Techniques for Smart Grid Management}}
{National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)} {2023.01 - 2024.01}
{\textbf{Optimizing Urban Traffic Flow Using AI-Based Predictive Models}}
{Smart Transportation Innovations Grant} {2021.12 - 2022.12}.
% -------------------- INTERNSHIPS --------------------
{ABC Tech Ltd.}{Shanghai, China}{2024.01 - 2024.06}
\myItem{Develop engaging content for social media platforms.}
\myItem{Prepare reports and presentations summarizing research findings.}
{XYZ Tech Inc.}{Shanghai, China}{2023.07 - 2023.12}
\myItem{Develop engaging content for social media platforms.}
\myItem{Prepare reports and presentations summarizing research findings.}
% -------------------- AWARDS & HONORS --------------------
\item \emph{First Prize}, International Data Science Challenge \hfill 2023.11
\item \emph{Best Innovation Award}, Tech Startup Pitch Competition \hfill 2023.05
\item \emph{Excellence in Research Award}, Annual Research Symposium, \hfill 2022.12
\item \emph{Academic Scholarship}, Tsinghua University \hfill 2022.09
% -------------------- SKILLS --------------------
\item \emph{Languages}: Chinese, English, French.
\item \emph{Programming}: {\Courier \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont Python}, {\Courier \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont C++}, {\Courier \fontsize{11pt}{11pt}\selectfont MATLAB}.
% -------------------- OTHERS --------------------
\section{Academic Services}
\item \emph{Reviewers for}: \textit{Journal of Operations Research and Optimization},
\item \phantom{\emph{Reviewers for}:} \textit{International Conference on Optimization and Machine Learning},
\item \phantom{\emph{Reviewers for}:} \;...