YNAO Letter Template
Rui-Zhi Li
1 年前
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
A modified LaTeX Template of Recommendation/Reference Letter for YNAO

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% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
% !TeX program = lualatex
% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
% YNAOletter_example.tex - an example latex file to illustrate YNAOletter.cls
% Template by Brian Wood (brian.wood@oregonstate.edu). Please feel free to send suggestions for changes; this template/cls is not exactly elegantly done!
% Modified by Luyi Li (owenliluyi@gmail.com) to fit the need of NJU students based on the FDU version modified by Huang Weiran (huangweiran1998@outlook.com).
% Modified by Rui-Zhi Li (liruizhi0871@gmail.com) to fit the need of YNAO students based on the NJU version modified by Luyi Li (owenliluyi@gmail.com)
%%%%%%%% The "To" address goes here.
Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences\\
396 YangFangWang St., Guandu district\\
Kunming 650216, Yunnan Province\\
P. R. China
% This line sets up the return address to the left-side of the OSU logo. The location is set with absolute node addresses using ``\tikz''. It can still be a bit fussy, and you may need to alter this a little to get things to look right. The bit that changes the position are the numbers in parentheses ``at (14.2,2.7)''
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,,every node/.style={anchor=center}]
\node[text width=7cm] at (page cs:0.5,0.73){\small \newaddress};
% text
%%%%%%% ``closing'' sets the sign-off line.
% Comment out/in the lines below as necessary
%\encl{If an enclosure is provided, let them know what it is.}
%\ps{A postscript if that is a thing you do.}
%\cc{Someone Who Cares (and is copied).}