The Template for the final Capstone Project of College of Engineering & Computer Science, VinUniversity
% LaTeX template for a Bachelor Capstone Project Report of the COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, VINUNIVERSITY
% Prepared and Designed By: Van Dinh Nguyen.
% Date published: August 25, 2023
% For any comments:
\monthname[\THEMONTH], \THEYEAR}
% Set your report/thesis particulars
%\def\RoportType{Capstone project report\xspace}
%\def\RoportType{Project report\xspace}
\def\ReportTitle{Title of Your Capstone Project\xspace}
\def\Supervisor{Supervisor's Name: yyyy\xspace}
\def\SupervisorPosition{Assistant Professor XXX\xspace}
% List the project members
\def\numberOfAuthors{3} % you can change to other numbers
\def\firstAuthor{First Author\xspace}
\def\firstAuthorDedication{Dedicated to \\ \textit{abc}}
\def\secondAuthor{Second Author\xspace}
\def\secondAuthorDedication{To my girl ...\\ \textit{pqr}}
\def\thirdAuthor{Third Author\xspace}
\def\thirdAuthorDedication{To \\ \textit{xyz} \\ a good soul.}
% Include Chapters