UW NLP CSE Thesis template (2021)
Maarten Sap, Hannah Rashkin
4 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
UW CSE Thesis template for NLP / ACL style papers

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%%%% Fill out all these macros
\newcommand{\thesisTitle}{NLP UW CSE Dissertation}
\newcommand{\authorName}{Your Name}
\newcommand{\advisor}{Main Guardian}
\newcommand{\advisorTitle}{Professor} % assistant, associate prof?
\newcommand{\advisorDepartment}{Computer Science and Engineering}
% if you have two advisors, uncomment these two
\newcommand{\secondAdvisor}{Parent Two}
\newcommand{\secondAdvisorTitle}{Associate Professor}
\newcommand{\secondAdvisorDepartment}{Computer Science and Engineering}
\newcommand{\readingCommitteeOne}{First Reader}
\newcommand{\readingCommitteeTwo}{Second Reader}
%\usepackage{} -- add any other packages you want
\usepackage{hyperref}% http://ctan.org/pkg/hyperref
%colorlinks = true,
linkcolor = black
\usepackage{times} % Set the typeface to Times Roman
\usepackage[scaled]{helvet} % ss
\usepackage{courier} % tt
\usepackage[labelfont=bf]{caption} % boldface caption title for floats
\chapter {Introduction}
\chapter{Example Project} % change to project name
\chapter{Add Project 2} % change to project name
\chapter{Add Project 3 ... or as many as needed} % change to project name
%...add as many projects as you need (typically 3-4)
% Optionally: add appendices
\chapter{Appendix One}
\section{Appendix section 1}
& \\
\caption{Table in the Appendix}
% you're all done, congrats!