A LaTeX template in the DEFAULT style for the formatting of Theses and Dissertations at the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.
\documentclass[12pt]{uthesis-v12} %---> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND
\usepackage{graphicx} %---> %---> %---> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND
\begin{document} %---> %---> %---> %---> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND
% | \title{} (REQUIRED) |
% | \author{} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.1 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | Also see section 2.2 of above "Read Me" file for the |
% | proper use of the invisible tilde ("~") character when |
% | entering a middle initial in the \author command. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\title{The Theory of Relativity
\protect\\ Applied to the Universe}
\author{Albert Einstein}
% | \copyrightpage{} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | 1) You must enter either "yes" or "no" in this |
% | command. Inputting "yes" produces a copyright |
% | notification page as the second page and inputting |
% | "no" produces a blank second page. |
% | 2) Input to this command is case sensitive. |
% | 3) Default: the "yes" option. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
% | \mydocument{} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.3 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | 1) Input to this command is limited to the following |
% | three options: a) Dissertation |
% | b) Thesis |
% | c) Project |
% | 2) Input to this command is case-sensitive. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
% | \degree{}{} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.4 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | You need to provide two distinct inputs into this |
% | command: |
% | 1) In the first set of braces you need to specify |
% | the *exact* degree you will receive. Some |
% | examples are: -) Master of Arts |
% | -) Master of Science |
% | -) Doctor of Philosophy |
% | 2) In the second set of braces you need to state the |
% | *specific* discipline or area for that degree |
% | (e.g., Economics, Education, Engineering, etc.). |
% | Students should consult their advisor if they have any |
% | questions about this information. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}{Physics}
% | \conferraldate{}{} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.5 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | In the two set of braces enter the month and then the |
% | year your degree will be *conferred* by the university.
% May only choose MAY, AUGUST, or DECEMBER
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
% | \advisor{} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.6.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | 1) Also see section 2.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | for the proper use of the invisible tilde ("~") |
% | character when entering a middle initial or the |
% | abbreviation of an academic title (e.g., Dr.) in |
% | the \advisor{} command. |
% | 2) Also see section 3.6.1. for consistent presentation |
% | of title page signature lines. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\advisor{Dr.~Roy Rogers}
% | Committee Member Signature Commands (OPTIONAL) |
% | |
% | See section 3.6.3 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | 1) Use the commands below to provide signature lines |
% | for your "other" committee members; |
% | --> you must list your other committee members |
% | in alphabetic order by last name |
% | --> to do this, use the commands below in the |
% | order presented below. |
% | 2) You can choose to include none, some, or all of the |
% | "XXXmember" commands below --- based on the number |
% | committee members you have; simply delete |
% | any of the commands below that are not needed . |
% | 3) Do not include the name of your committee chair or |
% | the Graduate Dean in the commands listed below. |
% | Their signature lines are generated by the |
% | \advisor{} and \graduatedean{}{} commands. |
% | 4) You cannot use any of the commands below more than |
% | once. (For details on this issue, see section 3.6.3 |
% | of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf".) |
% | 5) Also see section 2.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | for the proper use of the invisible tilde ("~") |
% | character when entering a middle initial or the |
% | abbreviation of an academic title (e.g., Dr.) in |
% | the commands below. |
% | 6) See section 3.6.1. for consistent presentation of |
% | title page signature lines. |
% | |
% | I know I shouldn't have to say this, but enough |
% | students over the years have made the same mistake |
% | that I'm forced to state: |
% | |
% | |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\secondmember{Dr.~Anita Knapp}
\thirdmember{Dr.~Chris P.~Bacon}
\fourthmember{Dr.~Adam Baum}
\fifthmember{Dr.~Corey O.~Graff}
\sixthmember{Dr.~Amanda Linn}
\seventhmember{Dr.~Noah Lott}
\eighthmember{Dr.~Jean Poole}
% | \graduatedean{}{} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.6.4 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | REVISED (July 2016). Contact the Graduate |
% | College to determine whether this information is |
% | correct at the time you submit your document. |
% | 2) Section 2.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" describes |
% | the proper use of the invisible tilde ("~") |
% | character when entering a middle initial or the |
% | abbreviation of an academic title (e.g., Dr.) in |
% | the \graduatedean{} command. |
% | 3) See section 3.6.1. for consistent presentation of |
% | title page signature lines. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\graduatedean{Dr.~Amanda C.~Bryant-Friedrich}{Dean}
% | \maketitle (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.7 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | This is a required LaTeX command; to be brief, bad |
% | things will happen if this command is not included |
% | in your document at this particular location. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\maketitle %----> -----> ----> ----> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND
% | Abstract Page Environment (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.8 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
[Insert the abstract to your work here]
% | Dedication Page Environment (OPTIONAL) |
% | |
% | See section 3.9 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | If both a dedication page and an acknowledgements page |
% | are included in the document, the dedication page must |
% | precede the acknowledgments page. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\noindent [Insert your dedication here; may not exceed one page in length]
% | Acknowledgments Page Environment (OPTIONAL) |
% | |
% | See section 3.10 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | If both a dedication page and an acknowledgments page |
% | are included in the document, the dedication page must |
% | precede the acknowledgments page. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\noindent [Insert your acknowledgments here; may not exceed one page in length]
% | \tableofcontents (REQUIRED) |
% | \listoftables (CONDITIONAL) |
% | \listoffigures (CONDITIONAL) |
% | |
% | See sections 3.11 & 3.12 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | 1) You must include the \tableofcontents command in |
% | your document: the UT Manual requires every |
% | dissertation/thesis to have a detailed table of |
% | contents. |
% | 2) Including the \listoftables and \listoffigures |
% | commands is "conditional." See sections 3.12 of |
% | "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" for additional details. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\tableofcontents %-----> -----> ----> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND
% | \captionformat{} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.12.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | 1) You are required to choose between the "hang" or |
% | "align" option for this command. |
% | 2) Input to this command is case sensitive. |
% | 3) Default: ``hang'' option. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
% | List of Abbreviations Environment (OPTIONAL) |
% | |
% | See section 3.13 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | 1) This is an optional section; consult your advisor |
% | to determine whether you need/want to include this |
% | section in your document. |
% | 2) If you do not want a List of Abbreviations simply |
% | delete the material below (and these instructions). |
% | 3) If you do want a List of Abbreviations simply |
% | replace the silly material below with the |
% | information relevant to your document. |
% | a. Within the "listofabbreviations" environment |
% | below you must use a separate \abbreviation{}{} |
% | command for each entry in your List of |
% | Abbreviations. |
% | b. As the examples below demonstrate, the |
% | information within the first set of braces is |
% | the abbreviation and the information in the |
% | second set of braces is the definition of that |
% | abbreviation. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\abbreviation{ABBREV}{This is where you provide a brief
definition of the abbreviation ``ABBREV''}
\abbreviation{BSE}{Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow
\abbreviation{CB}{L.D. Caskey and J.D. Beazley, \emph{Attic
Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine
Arts}, Boston (Oxford 1931--1963)}
\abbreviation{GLE}{Gauss' law for electricity: $\nabla\cdot E
= \displaystyle\frac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0}
= 4\pi k \rho$}
\abbreviation{HHS}{Department of Health and Human Services}
\abbreviation{IaR}{I am root}
% | List of Symbols Environment (OPTIONAL) |
% | |
% | See section 3.14 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | 1) This is an optional section; consult your advisor |
% | to determine whether you need/want to include this |
% | section in your document. |
% | 2) If you do not want a List of Symbols simply delete |
% | the material below (and these instructions). |
% | 3) If you do want a List of Symbols simply replace the |
% | silly material below with the information relevant |
% | to your document. |
% | a. Within the "listofsymbols" environment below |
% | you must use a separate \emblem{}{} command |
% | for each entry in your List of Symbols. |
% | b. As the examples below show, insert your symbol |
% | within the first set of braces in the |
% | \emblem{}{} command, and its definition within |
% | the second set of braces. |
% | c. Use the \emblemskip command to insert a blank |
% | line between different categories of symbols: |
% | -) such additional spacing is required between |
% | different categories of symbols; |
% | -) see "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" for details. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\emblem{$\ddagger$}{the degree to which the flayrod has gone out of
skew on tredel}
\emblem{$\triangle$}{the ratio of the M2 monetary aggregate to the
Monetary Base}
\emblem{$\alpha$}{angle of rotation around internal rotation axis}
\emblem{$\beta$}{the number of people named ``Bob''}
\emblem{Q}{Tobin's q; the ratio of the market value of
installed capital to the replacement cost of
\emblem{Y}{Gross Domestic Product (adjusted for inflation)}
% | Preface Environment (OPTIONAL) |
% | |
% | See section 3.15 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
[Insert your preface here]
% | \makebody (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.16 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | This is a *required* UThesis command; again, bad |
% | things will happen if this command is not included in |
% | your document at this particular location --- see the |
% | file "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" for details. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\makebody %-------> -------> -------> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND
% | \chapter{} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.17 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | For guidance on using the commands \chapter{}, |
% | \section{}, \subsection{}, \subsubsection{}, etc., see |
% | Leslie Lamport's "LaTeX: A Document Preparation |
% | System." Addison Wesley: Reading Massachusetts, 1985. |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\chapter{Insert the Heading to Chapter 1}
[ Insert your text to chapter 1 here. A pretend example of a silly
table is provided below (i.e., Table~\ref{SILLY}).~]
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
% | |
% | |
% | Delete the following material. I included this |
% | material here as silly table to provide an example in |
% | the List of Tables page for this template file. |
% | |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\caption{A silly glossary for research reports.\label{SILLY}}
\rule[-0.5em]{0pt}{1.75em} \bf When Professors write \ldots
& \bf they REALLY mean \ldots \\ \hline\hline
\rule[-0.5em]{0pt}{1.75em} Typical results are shown \ldots
& The best results are shown \ldots \\ \hline
\rule[-0.5em]{0pt}{1.75em} It is generally believed that
\ldots & A couple of other guys think so too \\ \hline
\rule[-0.5em]{0pt}{1.75em}Thanks to Al K.~Seltzer for
assistance and to I.P. Daly for valuable discussions &
Seltzer did the work and Daly explained
what it meant \\
\chapter{Insert the Heading to Chapter 2}
[~Insert your text to chapter 2 here. A pretend example of a silly
figure is provided below (i.e., Figure~\ref{DOWD}).~]
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
% | |
% | |
% | Delete the following material. I included this |
% | material here as a silly figure to provide an example |
% | in the List of Figures page for this template file. |
% | |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\begin{tabular}{|cp{5.5in}c|} \hline
& Let's pretend that instead of this text I provided a figure
of myself smoking a most excellent cigar. As long as we're
pretending, let's assume that figure shows that I have a really
big smile on my face. & \\
& & \\[-0.75em]
& OK, the truth is that I wanted to provide an example of a
figure to contrast the text in the figure's caption to the text
entered as a entry in the \emph{List of Figures}. This
difference is controlled through the
$\backslash$\texttt{caption[\,]\{\}} command. Appendix~B of
``Read Me First (v12).pdf'' provides a primer for this issue. &
\\ \hline
\caption[Dr.~Dowd enjoying a wonderful cigar.] {Dr.~Dowd
enjoying a wonderful cigar. From the smile on his face
we are left to wonder if the cigar is an H.~Upmann
\emph{Corona Imperial} or a Punch \emph{Rothchild}
(with a double maduro wrapper, of course). \label{DOWD}
% | \myreferences{} (CONDITIONAL) |
% | |
% | See section 3.18 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | That section of the READ ME file describes two options |
% | for listing the works cited in your document: first, |
% | manually entering your list of references and, second, |
% | using BibTeX to generate that list. |
% | |
% | 1) If you manually enter your reference list, first |
% | include the \myreferences command, as illustrated |
% | below. Second, use the "referencelist" environment |
% | described below. For this, note that the UT Manual |
% | requires double-spacing *between* references in |
% | that list. However, it also states that *within* |
% | individual references the spacing may be single- or |
% | double-spaced. Because of this, UThesis provides |
% | two options for the "referencelist" environment: |
% | |
% | \begin{referencelist}{ENTER OPTION HERE} |
% | \item ... |
% | \end{referencelist} |
% | |
% | a. Replacing "ENTER OPTION HERE" above with the |
% | text "single" will generate a reference list |
% | with single-spaced entries in that list but |
% | double-spacing between those entries. An example |
% | of this is provided below. |
% | b. Alternatively, using the "double" option will |
% | generate a list with double-spaced entries and |
% | double-spacing between entries. An example of |
% | this is also provided below. |
% | |
% | Note that input to these options is case sensitive |
% | and the default setting is the "double" option. |
% | |
% | 2) If you instead choose to use BibTeX to generate the |
% | reference list, then you *cannot* include either |
% | the "\myreferences" command or the "referencelist" |
% | environment in your document. In this case you must |
% | |
% | a. delete the \myreferences command and the two |
% | examples of the "referencelist" environment |
% | below; |
% | b. then you must add and locate appropriately all |
% | necessary BibTeX commands within your document |
% | (e.g., \bibliographystyle{}, \citationstyle{}, |
% | \bibliography{}, etc.). |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\hfill \fbox{First example: references %% CONSTRUCTING YOUR
generated by the ``single'' option} %% OWN REFERENCE LIST
\item \textbf{Friedman, Milton}, ``The Role of Monetary Policy,''
\emph{American Economic Review}, March 1968, 58(1), 1--17.
\item \textbf{Keynes, John Maynard}, \emph{The General Theory of
Employment, Interest, and Money}, New York: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovic, 1936.
\item \textbf{Smith, Adam}, \emph{An Inquiry into the Nature and
Causes of the Wealth of Nations}, Edwin Cannan, ed.,
London: Methuen \& Co., Ltd. 1904.
\item \textbf{Tobin, James}, ``A Dynamic Aggregative Model,''
\emph{Journal of Political Economy,} April 1955, 63(2),
\hfill \fbox{Second example: references %% CONSTRUCTING YOUR
generated by the ``double'' option} %% OWN REFERENCE LIST
\item \textbf{Friedman, Milton}, ``The Role of Monetary Policy,''
\emph{American Economic Review}, March 1968, 58(1), 1--17.
\item \textbf{Keynes, John Maynard}, \emph{The General Theory of
Employment, Interest, and Money}, New York: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovic, 1936.
\item \textbf{Smith, Adam}, \emph{An Inquiry into the Nature and
Causes of the Wealth of Nations}, Edwin Cannan, ed.,
London: Methuen \& Co., Ltd. 1904.
\item \textbf{Tobin, James}, ``A Dynamic Aggregative Model,''
\emph{Journal of Political Economy,} April 1955, 63(2),
% | \appendix (IF NEEDED) |
% | |
% | See section 3.19 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% | |
% | 1) When you include the \appendix command a subsequent |
% | \chapter{} command will not generate a chapter but |
% | an appendix section. |
% | |
% | 2) As is illustrated below, to generate a second or |
% | third appendix you simply have to include |
% | additional \chapter{} commands (i.e., you DO NOT |
% | have to repeat the use of the \appendix command). |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\chapter{Insert the Heading to Appendix A}
[Insert text to Appendix A (if appendix is needed)]
\chapter{Insert the Heading to Appendix B}
[Insert text to Appendix B (if appendix is needed)]
% | \end{document} (REQUIRED) |
% | |
% | Details (if you can call them "details") are provided |
% | in section 3.20 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" |
% +----------------------------------------------------------+
\end{document} %---> ---> ---> ---> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND