USAFA Math 451 Template Spring 2015
Russell Howell
10 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for submitting written assignments in LaTex.
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\title{Homework Template}
United States Air Force Academy\\
Complex Analysis (Math 451), Writing Assignment \#1\\
Submitted by I.M.\ Smart, \; January 16, 2015
\textbf{Page 34, Problem 2}\\
Use exponential notation to show that
\item $(1+i)^3 = -2-2i$.
\item $2i(\sqrt{3}+i)(1+i\sqrt{3})=-8$
By direct computation we observe that
(1+i)^3 &= xxx\\
&= yyy\\
& \vdotswithin{=} \text{ blah, blah, blah}\\
&= -2-2i.
Proceeding to the second part, we compute